The following position is available for an achievement-oriented individual with initiative and a commitment to give substance to JDA’s vision.
Position: Senior Development Manager
Description: The successful candidate will provide leadership, direction and advice on the strategic direction of the organisation by analysing urban development trends and the implications for Johannesburg and understanding national and provincial policy and programmes that have implications for city development and develop a pipeline of potential area-based urban development projects for implementation by the JDA. In addition, he/she will secure multi-year funding commitments for area-based developments to ensure the sustainability of the organisation, meet the programme performance monitoring and evaluation compliance requirements, optimize monitoring and evaluation and impact assessment systems and practice and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the JDA by identifying and applying leading practice in terms of urban development and development management. The incumbent will be an advocate for the company and will work closely with other Executive Committee members to achieve and promote institutional excellence, good governance and organisational development. He/she will also manage and oversee the Planning and Strategy Department.
Closing Date: 30 January 2015
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