Media Releases 2013|

Joburg’s proposed budget marks a shift from consumption to investment budgeting, and includes new draft rates policies and lowering the costs of doing business in the city.

The City of Johannesburg has massive infrastructure investments planned over the coming years to transform Joburg spatially and economically.

This plan was expressed at the 2013 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) outreach process launch, held at the Walter Sisulu Square of Dedication in Kliptown on 09 April 2013.

Traditionally, April is dedicated to public consultation, and the Executive Mayor, Speaker of Council and elected councillors, supported by senior City officials, hold discussions in all seven regions to discuss the IDP’s content and communities’ needs and aspirations.

The consultation process lets City residents give their input into the draft 2013/14 Plan and draft budget.

To set the base for this consultation process, the City has put together critical administrative and policy documents for the public to comment on. These include the:

Revised draft rates policy;
Draft medium-term budget for 2013/14; and
2013 Draft IDP.
Changes recommended in the 2013/2014 draft rates policies include:

Increasing the threshold from R150 000 to R200 000. This would mean that the first R200 000 value of all residential property would be excluded from rating.
A tax exemption for pensioners aged 70 and above, irrespective of income, holding property valued at less than R2-million.
Other proposals include introducing a new rates category, which would clamp down on unauthorised land and property usage; and reducing the business ratio from 3.5 to 3, lowering the costs of doing business in the City, ensuring that Johannesburg remains an attractive investment destination.

The consultation outreach process will continue on the following dates:

Date Region Time Venue
17 April 2013 Region B 8am – 2pm Walter Sisulu Hall, Cnr Malibongwe Drive and Hans Schoeman Street,
20 April 2013 Region C 8am – 2pm Roodepoort City Hall, Cnr Berlandina and Dieperink, Roodepoort
20 April 2013 Region E 8am – 2pm Central Johannesburg College – Alexandra Campus, Cnr Canning and 9th Road
20 April 2013 Region G 8am – 2pm Zakariyya Park Community Hall, 27 Clove Drive, Zakariyya Park
22 April 2013 Region F 8am – 2pm Museum Africa, 121 Bree Street, Newtown
23 April 2013 Region D 8am – 2pm Orlando Communal Hall, 129 Adam Street, Orlando East, Soweto