Internal Opportunity Advertisement
The JDA is embarking on a process of internal recruitment process. The process is intended to award an opportunity to internal candidates who are exceptional performers in their current roles and are ready to take new challenges.
Interested applicants are requested to submit their CV and a 1 page motivation detailing why they should be considered for the position.
Position: Development Manager
Description: The position reports to the Executive Manager: Development Implementation and serves as a member of the Senior Management team. The successful candidate will lead and take full responsibility for the design and implementation of all JDA’s development projects within a portfolio to ensure that all the projects are delivered on time, within budget and to the required standards, as well as develop and implement cross-cutting systems and procedures. He/she will identify and manage all risks associated with development implementation and will ensure efficient handover of all development projects to clients and stakeholders.
Closing Date: 07 September 2018
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