This Vacancy is only open to Employees of the City of Johannesburg
Position: Deputy Director Area Based Management
Description: The incumbent will provide strategic direction and leadership and management of area-based programmes, urban regeneration, city improvement districts, nodal planning and development, urban decay intervention, intergovernmental project implementation coordination, capital project management, nodal development impact assessment, implementation of public-private partnership initiatives, developmental service delivery initiatives, comprehensive public works programmes, economic transformation and targeted service delivery interventions in the Region. This includes ensuring that an acceptable level of area-based management services, strategic urban renewal interventions, nodal transformation initiatives are implemented and to direct, manage and coordinate all administrative and operational activities thus ensuring that the Region meets the goal to integrate development and management initiatives of different spheres of government, line function departments, civil society and the private sector to achieve best practice approaches to development and management, the overall management of the city improvement districts, area-based special projects, investment and economic regeneration and development in the Region in the most effective and efficient manner.
Closing Date: 15 May 2019
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