Media Releases 2013|

Following closely on Rea Vaya’s fourth birthday, the City’s BRT system is preparing to launch new routes in October.

As it celebrates its fourth birthday, the City’s Bus Rapid Transit system is preparing for a new phase in its development. It marked the day by announcing new routes.

“The mayor is not only celebrating the fourth birthday with the citizens of the City of Johannesburg but is also here to start the celebration of the launch of the Phase 1B Corridor of Freedom on 14 October, as committed in his State of the City address in May,” said member of the mayoral committee for transportation, Christine Walters.

Joburg’s transport department works closely with the Johannesburg Development Agency.

Part of the development of these routes will see walking and cycling pathways built alongside the bus lanes. This will contribute to the mayor’s healthy lifestyle programme and complete streets policy.

Corridors of Freedom

Joburg has identified the BRT routes as Corridors of Freedom. These corridors, according to the mayor, will allow for the increase of intensity of land use as well as density, in order to achieve urban efficiencies. It will also allow a mix of uses for people to access different amenities. “It is the ability to say that you have a city that functions more optimally at the back of the Rea Vaya BRT corridors that have been defined,” he said.

Joburg boasts the first BRT in South Africa. It was launched on 30 August 2009 and in the past four years has carried thousands of commuters.

Operations began with the first trunk route, Phase1A, running between Thokoza Park in the southwest of Joburg and Ellis Park in Doornfontein, on the eastern skirts of the CBD.

The JDA is the implementing agency for the BRT.