Permanent Position
Position: Assistant Director: Area-based Planning
Appointment requirements: Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)/NQF level 7) in Town Planning and Regional Planning or Urban Development Studies • At
least 6 years’ experience in the field of spatial and city planning • At least 2 years’ managerial experience • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Ability to solve problems and resolve issues and present complex ideas and proposals • Well-developed strategic and lateral thinking.
Primary function: • Provide strategic metropolitan and regional planning development services • Formulate and implement frameworks, policies,
precinct plans and development strategies of high-level complexity and the initiation of development projects and programmes • Provide research and analysis of urban development trends and formulate growth management strategies • Provide development
direction, integration with IDP and associated strategies and plans • Manage and provide input into development processes, projects and programmes • Direct interface and make recommendations to political level, Senior Officials and the public • Perform general management duties including legal compliance and financial management of the Sub-directorate’s resources.
Closing Date: 11 June 2019
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