Careers 2019|

This Vacancy is only open to Employees of the City of Johannesburg

Position: Deputy Director: Occupational Safety

Description: Direct the implementation of an Occupational Safety (OS) programme process that will minimize injuries and diseases and mitigate risks to the health and safety of employees and the community, meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85/1993) and other applicable statutes and the provisions of the CoJ Group SHE Policy and Policy Operational Manual. Direct the advisory process that will lead to the legal compliance with the Disaster Management Act. Ensure pro-active Council preparedness relative to potential distastes at Council occupied properties and Council activities. Direct the grading and evaluation process to measure the success and failures of the CoJ Group Programme and recommend and implement corrective measures. Direct the process aimed at optimizing the physical safety of all employees and Councilors.

Closing Date: 15 May 2019

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