Careers 2014|

The following position is available for an achievement-oriented individual with initiative and a commitment to give substance to JDA’s vision.

Position: Executive Manager: Development Facilitation

Description: The incumbent will identify and implement the actions required to ensure that development objectives and outcomes are articulated and accepted by all area stakeholders and that stakeholders take responsibility for and take steps to achieve the common vision. He/she will be responsible for the development of the Space Economy in order to create functional and inclusive urban areas within the City of Johannesburg, ensuring that a proposed
project is feasible and appropriate and that it can be successfully implemented as well as identifying and eliminating key risks at the earliest possible time. In addition, the successful candidate will maximize development opportunities by ensuring that projects are well conceptualized, and identify actions required to ensure that development objectives and outcomes are articulated and accepted by all area stakeholders, and that stakeholders take responsibility for and take steps to achieve the common vision.

Closing Date: 12 March 2014

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