Careers 2017|

The following position is available for an achievement-oriented individual with initiative and a commitment to give substance to JDA’s vision.

Position: Chief Executive Officer

Description: To build a more welcoming and competitive Johannesburg that is a better city to live, work and play in by: • Leading the process of catalysing growth in areas with latent investment potential • Creating great public spaces that are designed towards greater adaptability and multiplicity for longer term sustainability • Connecting people to opportunities through facilitating efficient mass public transport networks, efficient land use and transit-oriented multi-use precincts • Co-producing solutions in partnership with local communities and stakeholders to meet local needs, as well as ensuring that JDA functions as the City’s Development Manager ensuring maximum return on investment for the City through identification and packaging of Property and Infrastructure Development Opportunities to best attract and leverage private sector investment partnerships.

Closing Date: 18 August 2017

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