Located just east of the Johannesburg city centre is the Johannesburg Development Agency’s R8-million Jeppe Station Precinct project, which was completed in 2003.
The aim was to use the existing Jeppe Rail Station to put in motion a chain of economic activities that would encourage and support the surrounding formal and informal traders and the existing taxi rank. Thus, people who commute by train pass through the market building, supporting informal traders. Taxi passengers walk in front of the train station building through the square and into the taxi rank, stimulating further trading in the area. The changes are already encouraging pedestrian flows in areas that previously lacked any form of activities.
With the completion of the project, about 80% of the formal street markets have been occupied. The markets stimulate economic development and contribute to the environmental upgrading of the precinct.
The atmosphere of regeneration has spread to surrounding businesses, with formal traders around the precinct also taking advantage of the changes. For instance, two butchers have refurbished and extended their businesses to cater for the increased market.
The Jeppe Station Precinct development has achieved an aesthetically better urban environment. The Metropolitan Trading Company has done an exceptional job in keeping the precinct clean and tidy and, with the deployment of security guards at strategic areas within the precinct, a visibly safe and secure environment has been achieved.
The project included a much-needed upgrade of taxi ranks. The new taxi facility – allocated for commuters, taxi operators, ranking officials and taxi drivers – is situated on the northeast side of the precinct and is being managed by the Metropolitan Trading Company. The eight-island, formalised linear taxi rank accommodates 32 minibus taxis. The rank is defined by destinations and is allocated to three taxi associations: Medita, Faraday and Wata.
There are 80 open vendor sites on Main, McIntyre, John Page, Madison and Gus streets, incorporating food, barber and general trading stalls. The booths are designed to be easily manipulated for individual business needs.
An open space on the east side of the precinct is used for public meetings, social gatherings, concerts or any other public-related functions.
Storage space on the east side of the Jeppe Rail Station was leased by the Metropolitan Trading Company from Intersite Property Management to store 60 steel-cage hawker lockers provided by the Jeppe Station Precinct Development.
The corner of Commissioner Street and Madison Triangle, which falls into the overall development zone of the precinct, was also upgraded.